19 Şubat 2017 Pazar

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Finlandiya Eğitim Toplantısı

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Fantastic journey had started on Sunday at 6:00 oc’lock to Helsinki, Finland. There were many things to do in Helsinki. But we did facilities in Lappenranta.
On the first day at school we drew and colored a lot of coloring papers. We used Quiver 3d in this activity. We played Kahoot about Finland .
The joyfull recording our ELF anthem started on second day . It was an amazing experience for us. One of our task about ELF Project was dancing of ELF anthem.
The best activity of Finland was setting the wonderful Elfville . We had lots of fun!!!


As the Finland Education known all around the world is great. It has classical classes as around the world. There are different kinds classes like sewing, knitting, carpentering, fashion,roboting.
·         We noticed that teacher proffesions are popular in Finland.
·         They are not inspected.
·         They decide all curriculum themselves with their collegues and headmaster.
·         The students dont have tos tay for long hours.
·         The schools end at 2 o c’lock.
·         The citizens respect to the teachers a lot.
·         The number of lesson in art and PE depends on the teacher’s teaching methods.
We reviewed our Project tasks. We shared our ideas for doing best. We have decided what we will do in March and April.

Thank you to Finland team for hospitability. We experienced more than we had expected.

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7 Şubat 2017 Salı

Umraniye Kaymakamimiz Sayin Suat Dervisoglu, Umraniye Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurumuz Sayin Suleyman Gokcimen sınıfımızı ziyaret ettiler.

EBA (Eğitim Bilişim Ağı) 'nda yayınlanan haberi okumak için tıklayınız.

Umraniye Kaymakamimiz Sayin Suat Dervisoglu, Umraniye Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurumuz Sayin Suleyman Gokcimen,Şube Müdürlerimiz, RAM Müdürü ve komisyon üyeleri sinifimizi ziyaretleri ile bizleri onurlandirdi. Okul mudurumuz İbrahim KİBAR, Eğitimde Yenilikçilik Projeleri, Etwinning ve Avrupa Birligi ortaklik projemiz ile ilgili kendilerini bilgilendirdi. Degerli konuklarimiz ogrencilerimizle projenin farkindaligi konusunda sohbet ettiler. Gerceklestirdigimiz calismalar icin tesekkur edip sinifimizdan ayrildilar. Degerli konuklarimiza tesrifleri ve ilgilerinden dolayi tesekkur ederiz.

3 Şubat 2017 Cuma

Finlandiya' ya gidecek takvimlerimiz hazır.

2017 Elf takvimimizi hazırladık. 2017' nin ilk öğrenci toplantısını yapacağımız Finlandiya'nın Lappeenranta şehrinde katılımcılarla bu küçük hediyelerimizi paylaşacağız. Koordinatör öğretmenlerimiz için masa takvimlerimiz olacak. Küçük öğrencilerimiz için ise sevimli cep takvimlerimiz olacak. Finlandiya 'da sizlerle hep beraber olmayı dört gözle bekliyoruz....

Ayın en iyi Elf öğrencileri

1 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

Hikayenin 4. Bolumu

Chapter 4
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The Toads were really excited to have found so much gold which they would like to take home. Unfortunately, the island was still slowly sinking and they were not able to take all of it. Since they had no boat, the only way to escape was to use the barrels of gold. However, the barrels had to be empty to float on the water. 

Therefore, the Toads only kept a few pieces of gold such us earrings, pendants or bracelets. They were still hoping to get rich but this wasn´t the best way how to achieve it. If they kept all the gold the boat wouldn´t be able to float and it would sink. They built up a provisory boat of the barrels and trees, packed some fruit, coconuts with coconut water and plants as food. Then they set off on a journey. The boating was very tiring. The boat was small and it was hard to handle it.

The Toads felt it was impossible to get home. There was only the sea and the sky in all ways. After a few days on the sea, they had almost nothing to drink. And because the sun was shining, everyone had hallucinations. Suddenly, they glimpsed something in the distance. When they got closer, they saw and island!
  1. The Toads will land on the island and after a few days they will meet wild tribesmen who live there.
  2. Really soon, they will find out that there is an active volcano that is going to errupt.